Coaching and training
I provide coaching, tutoring and training to both authors and editors through a variety of teaching formats. I have also designed bespoke training courses for businesses. Examples of these are given below.

An online meeting, following Gale’s written edit, was tremendously useful and gave me an opportunity to bounce ideas and explore ways to fix plot holes. I would definitely recommend her to anyone who wants a high-quality editor.
Jay Jones, author

Many authors, as well as editors, find it useful to access some coaching or advice on particular areas of their work. I am happy to provide this via one-on-one coaching sessions, tailored specifically to the individual’s requirements. Sessions can include some or all of the following:
Written feedback
Phone call/Zoom consultations
How often does coaching happen?
Coaching can be a one-off session, or a pre-arranged weekly meeting over a specific period of time (e.g. once a week for an agreed number of weeks).
What does it cost?
Initial one-hour session to discuss your requirements: £80
4 × weekly or fortnightly meetings for one hour: £280
2 × weekly or fortnightly meetings for one hour: £140
Accompanying written feedback (if required) on up to 2,500 words: £55 per coaching session
30-minute accountability sessions: £45 each; or 5 sessions for £210
A 10% discount is available if coaching is combined with a critique or structural editing. These must be booked at the same time.
NB: All coaching is tailored to the specific issue at hand, as well as to the individual’s needs and what they feel would be most beneficial.
Why not get in touch and find out more?

Book coaching for authors

Who is coaching aimed at?
Fiction and non-fiction authors
Those intending to self-publish
Authors wishing to submit to agents/trade publishers
Packages offered
NB: All packages can include written feedback (on a full or a partial text, if applicable), and/or a 30-minute or 1-hour consultation, by phone, WhatsApp/Facetime or Zoom.
1. Targeted coaching: on specific craft/writing issues, as directed by the individual (e.g. show, don't tell; point of view; pace; dialogue, etc.), as well as more general quandaries about publishing (e.g. different routes to publishing, etc.).
2. Big-picture coaching and brainstorming: help with structural/ developmental issues, for example: Fiction: plot holes, troublesome protagonists, weak beginnings, and so on; Non-fiction: content flow/clarity, text presentation/structure, and more.
3. Querying/submission: can cover synopses, book proposals, understanding and adhering to submission guidelines ....
4. Productive authors/accountability coaching: help for authors who might be wrestling with obstacles to their writing endeavours (e.g. writer's block, establishing a writing routine, etc.).
Her knowledge of the publishing industry, her ability to whittle away until my novel had a punchy opening, her brilliant solution to signalling the time shifts in my book and her forensic approach to the smallest detail were all amazing.
Kathy Hopewell, author

Coaching for editors

Who is coaching aimed at?
Fiction editors
Newbie editors
Packages offered
NB: All packages can include written feedback (on a full or a partial text, if applicable), and/or a 30-minute or 1-hour consultation, by phone, WhatsApp/Facetime or Zoom.
1. Fiction conundrums: help for fiction editors who might be struggling with particular areas of concern, for instance: specific topics (e.g. head-hopping, dialogue, description, etc.); how to deal with structural issues or queries; when to stop editing ...
​​2. Mentoring: for editors who might be considering moving into fiction editing from another editing field, or who have just started fiction editing, and want to know: how fiction editing is the same or different; where to start; if they're on the right track, and so on. With a client's permission, this can also involve assistance on a specific project that is causing concern.
3. General editing issues: help for newbie editors who might need a little reassurance or guidance about things such as: dealing with clients; how to comment on a text; getting help ...
She is always helpful and encouraging. In the mystifying world of the new writer she is an excellent guide.
Lesley Paton Cox

Author and editor training
She offered delegates a tempting blend of experience and pragmatism, and I find myself quoting what she said about the editorial process still.
Professor Alison Baverstock, academic, author and publishing consultant

Tutor, HarperCollins Author Academy (fiction stream)
Course leader, NKD, London. Bespoke in-house course. Quality Checking Masterclass
Tutor, CIEP's Introduction to Fiction Editing course
Mentor, CIEP's Proofreading Mentoring scheme
Revised Publishing Training Centre’s (PTC) Editing Fiction and Editorial Style online courses
London Book Fair, Insights Seminar Programme. Authors are our Business: The Collaborative Relationship between Editor and Author. With Margaret Hunter
Project-managed and co-wrote the CIEP’s Introduction to Fiction Editing online course
​Training given at CIEP annual conferences:
One-day, pre-conference training course. Introduction to Fiction Editing
Live Editing Session (fiction)
Workshop. An Introduction to Editing Fiction: Mind over Matter
Seminar, How we got started. With John Firth and Richard Hutchinson
​Kingston Publishing Conference, Kingston University, London. Seminar.
Chamber of Commerce, Edinburgh. Workshop.
Consultant/trainer, SafeSpace charity write-athon
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (Scotland) (SCBWI). Summer retreat: Workshop.
Gale revised two of our most popular Publishing Training Centre (PTC) e-learning modules, Editing Fiction and Editorial Style. She did an excellent job.
Petra Green, Head of the Publishing Training Centre